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Good Fruit Ministries, Inc. was established in 2007 as a non-profit - 501c3 to help people conquer the obstacles hindering them from living fruitful lives by providing services that bring healing to the emotional, physical, and spiritual areas of their lives. In addition, we are dedicated to training others to fulfill this mission. In 2014 we began offering prayer ministry training to ministry leaders in Colorado Springs, CO, and in Uganda. In 2015 we added leadership advances. We believe every person was created with a unique purpose to fulfill and is destined to enjoy an abundant, fruitful life. Good Fruit Ministries began by offering personal ministry sessions for those who needed healing and freedom. Soon after we began offering Freedom Night services once a month in the Hampton Roads area. We later expanded to include small group events and prayer ministry training. In recent years we are offering classes on How to Hear God, How to Prophecy, Setting People Free, and Prophet training and mentoring.



Good Fruit Ministries' mission is to join the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in helping people, organizations, cities, and nations conquer the obstacles hindering them from living free, fruitful, and fulfilling lives.

Sometimes the fruit of our lives is not what we want it to be. We have dreams, goals, and expectations that seem to be hindered, and we get stuck. Good Fruit Ministries is a catalyst to allow God to provide healing and freedom to allow us to move forward in life. 



Most of us have things in our past that hold us back from living peaceful, abundant, productive lives. This could be family dysfunction, trauma, lack of focus, or lack of identity. Good Fruit Ministries helps you identify these hindrances in your life, and to identify and address the root causes and bring true freedom. 


Living in the past robs you of the opportunity to enjoy the present. There are many events in your past, good and bad, which have the ability to hold your life hostage. The unhealed hurts, trauma, and pain from the past come into your present, and steal hope, joy, and peace from your day-to-day life. It can cause you to pass up wonderful opportunities, and live in fear, bondage, or disappointment.


Ann Landers once said “There are people who believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go, and then do it.” Her words sum up the wisdom of letting go of the past and living in the present. Rather than take the road most traveled, which involves ignoring the past and pretending it does not matter, you need to go back and explore it. You may not like what lurks in your past, but there is only one way to deal with it successfully: Process what happened in a safe environment and let the Lord heal you and speak the truth. The truth always sets you free!


God has given each of us gifts to be used for His glory and for the benefit of others. Everyone has them. Good Fruit Ministries can help you identify the design that God, the Father, installed in you and teach you how to use your gifts effectively. He gives these gifts to fulfill His plan of redemption on the earth. Whether or not you’re a believer, and whether or not you are using your gift for good or evil, everyone was created with one of them. It shapes who you are and what will bring you fulfillment.






Esther McMichael is the Founder and President of Good Fruit Ministries. She meets with individuals and families to impart identity and restore what the enemy has taken. She trains individuals to hear God and how to prophesy. God has put on her heart to mentor and equip prophets, and to mature and purify the prophetic movement. She is currently the leader of the altar ministry and prophetic ministry at Harvest Assembly in Chesapeake, Virginia.









"Good Fruit Ministries exists because I believe no one should have to live with pain. Freedom is possible. I was born into a corrupt, dysfunctional family, and suffered greatly. I tried to take my life when I was in my early 20’s and ended up in a mental hospital for several weeks. I saw psychiatrists and counselors and took lots of medication, but nothing changed. I met the Lord in my early 30’s and over time, He showed me the way to freedom. He took away the hurt, confusion, dysfunction, shame, unforgiveness, self-pity, depression, and more. I don’t know the last time I had a bad day. Life has truly changed! All members of the Good Fruit Ministries team have experienced freedom. There is hope for you as well."

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”  Genesis 50:20 

Copyright © 2024-2025 Good Fruit Ministries, Inc.

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